Learning how to use the mouse is not hard it is one of the easiest methods that anyone can learn therefore with it you are selecting items. Well, skilled computer users always use a combination of keyboard shortcuts to increase their productivity. Do keep in mind that keyboard shortcuts are far more powerful than typing. What is exactly keyboard shortcuts? Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys which is providing an alternative method to do something which is usually done using the mouse. For instance, if you have to copy a file, select the file, then press Ctrl + C on the keyboard to copy it. Keyboard shortcuts are very useful computer manufacturers define them within the operating system and their software. Note: Many keyboard shortcuts are the same within Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows Server 2022 and 2016.

Frequently used Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts

There are many shortcuts for actions that can be useful in different parts of Windows 11 or different programs. In this table, frequently used shortcuts such as copy and paste, file shortcut, and page refresh are mentioned, which may be useful for most users.

Access features and programs Keyboard Shortcuts

You probably know that by using the Windows key on the keyboard, you can open the Start menu; But did you know that you can use the Windows key combination with other types of keys to open specific programs and features of Windows 11? In the following, we have brought up a table of important tasks that can be done with the Windows shortcut.

Multitasking and Window management Keyboard shortcuts

If you have multiple programs open, keyboard shortcuts can be a more efficient way to manage them.

File Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts

File Explorer is one of the important features of Windows 11; Because it allows you to view and manage all your files. There are several shortcuts that you can use to make the File Explorer experience easier and faster using the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes

Dialog boxes are another part of the Windows graphical interface that can include menus, feature pages, etc. Depending on the complexity of the dialog boxes, you may be able to use several keyboard shortcuts to navigate them. A good dialog box is the run dialog and you can open it by pressing Windows + R.

Taskbar Keyboard Shortcuts

Using the taskbar in Windows 11 can also be made easier with the help of keyboard shortcuts. Here are some key combinations that can help you select tasks related to the taskbar more quickly.


Using the keyboard shortcuts on Windows 10, and 11 will save you time to open the app. If you are looking for a productive way to complete tasks quickly, you must use keyboard shortcuts. I hope that these Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts will increase your productivity a lot on your work.