Data types define which operations can be safely used for creating, transforming, and using variables in other arithmetic operations. Programming languages ​​in which variables can only be used for certain data types are typed as sustainable and prevent errors. In comparison, programming languages ​​are typed as chess if variables of one data type can be used like a variable of another data type. The numeric data type only knows pure numerical values. If the variable only works with integer values, then it is an integer data type that is processed as a two- or four-byte long data type. If a data type uses numerical values ​​with decimal places, then it is a numeric data type with a floating point number. The Boolean data type is a special form of the integer data type. However, it only knows two values: “0” and “1”. The alphanumeric data types are called characters, strings or character string variables. Abstract data types are independent of the hardware and programming language of a computer system. Abstract data types are abstract because only the functionality is important and not the internal organization, which is masked. A primitive data type is a basic data type for programming languages. It can no longer be dismantled and provides the basis for complex data types that are based on it. All operations can be traced back to the simple data type. The complex data type is made up of primitive data types and is based on the requirements of the corresponding programming language. A user-defined data type is characterized by the fact that it contains data types of the respective programming languages. Variables with an elementary data type are characterized by the fact that elementary data types can accept exactly one value. out. The data types integer and floating point number are often used in computer science to represent numbers. Texts are recorded using the string data type. The following table also shows the type identifier and the representation of the data objects in Python.